Serviceteam IT Security News

Android Spyware Linked to Chinese SDK Forces Google to Boot 500 Apps

The SDK, called Igexin, was developed by a Chinese company and may have been used to install malware that could, among other things, exfiltrate logs from devices.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Registration now open for UK Public Sector DNS service

Follow these simple steps so your organisation can use the new UK Public...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Protective DNS service for the public sector is now live

Back in November, the Chancellor launched the National Cyber Security Strategy. In it, we...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Maersk Shipping Reports $300M Loss Stemming from NotPetya Attack

Maersk expects losses up to $300m In Q2. They said the loss was due to “significant business interruption” as Maersk had to shutter critical systems infected with malware.
Serviceteam IT Security News

The long and the short of it

We know that some people are understandably wary about clicking on links when...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Google Removes Chrome Extension Used in Banking Fraud

Attackers did their homework on their targets, learning via social networks, whom inside an organisation was closely involved in making financial transactions.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Domains Imitating Popular Banks Spreading Trickbot Banking Trojan

Santander Bank customers should be aware of a spam campaign, spreading the Trickbot banking Trojan. It's coming from domains similar to those used by Santander.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Juniper Issues Security Alert Tied to Routers and Switches

Affected versions of the Junos OS were 12.1X46, 12.3X48, 15.1X49, 14.2, 15.1, 15.1X53, 16.1 & 16.2. Hardware running the OS include T and MX series routers.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Penetration testing – what is it and who is it for?

Protecting computer networks is not a ‘set it and forget it’ business. To...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Penetration Testing

Introduction Penetration testing is a core tool for analysing the security of IT...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Engineering Firm Leaks Sensitive Data on Dell, SBC and Oracle

A cyber risk analyst at security firm UpGuard, found the data on July 6. Files included schematics that highlighted “potential weak points and trouble in customer electrical systems,” according to a report published Monday by UpGuard.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Origin stories

As part of Cyber UK, members of the Sociotechnical Security Group were looking to collect...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Tech Support Scammers Cast a Wider Net

Microsoft Protection Centre is tracking an active phishing campaign. Convincing sites displaying messages with fake warnings and customer service hotlines.
Serviceteam IT Security News

WannaCry Hero Arrested, One of Two Charged with Distribution of Kronos Malware

Marcus Hutchins, the researcher hailed for his work in blunting the WannaCry ransomware outbreak in May, was arrested Wednesday in Las Vegas and charged with creating and distributing the Kronos banking malware.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Pharmaceutical Giant Still Feeling NotPetya’s Sting

Merck, among the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, said in its quarterly earnings report last week that it has still not fully recovered from the June 27 attack.
Serviceteam IT Security News

End User Devices: VPNs

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a mechanism for securely connecting devices or...
Serviceteam IT Security News

The dragons are actually not that ferocious…

At CyberUK earlier this year, along with colleagues in DCMS, we ran a Dragons' Den...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Google Study Quantifies Ransomware Profits

A ransomware study released Google revealed the malware earned criminals $25 million over the past two years.
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Building the Cyber Security Body of Knowledge

Cyber security encompasses a wide range of disciplines, but its relative youth means...
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I'm gonna stop you, little phishie…

Some organisations put a lot of effort into training their staff to detect...
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Diversity in technology: a challenge from the NCSC

Quotes from me noting some of the difficulties that women working in technology...
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Customer success stories at the NCSC

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted some new additions to the NCSC...
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Happy 1st Birthday StSG!

How they grow up fast. As we’re approaching the 1st birthday of the Sociotechnical Security...
Serviceteam IT Security News

"Do what I mean!" – time to focus on developer intent

Developers are undoubtedly on the front line when it comes to securing software....
Serviceteam IT Security News

CyberFirst Girls Competition: Could 2018 be your year?

The popularity of the 2017 CyberFirst Girls competition, and the outstanding abilities demonstrated...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Web Check — helping you to secure your public sector websites

The UK public sector has a huge digital estate to manage, and it...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Free Certs Come With a Cost

Leading certificate authority Let’s Encrypt is facing criticism that its rapid growth and eagerness to encrypt internet communications is happening at a cost.
Serviceteam IT Security News

Experts Warn Too Often AWS S3 Buckets Are Misconfigured, Leak Data

An analysis of Amazon Web Services storage containers reveals troubling trend of misconfigured S3 buckets that leak data.
Serviceteam IT Security News

To AV, or not to AV?

"Do I need to install AV?" is one of the questions many...
Serviceteam IT Security News

Decryption Key to Original Petya Ransomware Released

The key to decrypt the original Petya ransomware has been reportedly released by the ransomware’s author.