Should You Be Using Leased Line Connectivity?

Leased line connectivity holds many benefits, but does it justify the extra cost? The enhanced upload speeds, private connection, SLA protection and added security mean that for most businesses the answer is yes.

A lens on Europe

There is no doubt that the tech world has welcomed huge possibilities and change. With this power, big tech giants have stormed onto the scene. However, the European Union is acting against these giants.

IT outsourcing

IT outsourcing is on the rise. This is fuelled by the increase in IT spending for a digital transformation. Also, this is not just the private sector. The public and private sectors alike are keen to digitally transform.

surveillance cameras how much of a threat is it

The UK hosted the world’s first surveillance camera day. The UK spends over £2 billion per annum on video surveillance. However, this is not just to flaunt the new tech. The aim is to also raise awareness about surveillance cameras and ignite a debate on how they are used. How much should security cameras be used?

Birmingham leading the way in light of the skills shortage

The School of Code is offering a free 16-week coding course based in Birmingham. No previous technical experience is needed, or any sort of prior knowledge of subjects like Maths. All the course wants to see is motivation, creativity, an interest in tech and solving problems. What does this mean for Birmingham?

Leased Line Providers

What leased line provider will best suit your organisation? Here is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of the main leased line fibre Ethernet providers in the UK.

The launch of 5G in the UK

Ultimately, consumers and businesses want more data. 5G is the fifth generation of mobile internet connectivity. Faster download and upload speeds, more stable connections and wider coverage is promised. Radio spectrum is supposed to be improved enabling more devices to access the mobile internet simultaneously.

Datacentre skills shortage

A skills shortage is still rampant in the tech industry. Datacentres are no exception. At the Datacloud Europe Congress in Monaco it was claimed that operators will continue to struggle to plug talent gap if they focus on finding candidates with years of experience. Instead, aptitude for the type of work should be assessed.

Climate Change Datacentre

Climate change is on the radar. Since David Attenborough’s climate change documentary, I have been more conscious as to how to reduce my carbon footprint. This rise in climate change activism means consumers are less likely to support companies which do not operate in a sustainable way.

Artificial Intelligence Preparation

The Mayor of London, has stressed that the next UK Prime Minister needs to prioritise investment in artificial intelligence for the UK. According to Khan, preparation needs to occur for AI’s impact at both the national and local level.