The lure of AI helping automate the battlefield has long been a dream of battlefield commanders. Robots are expendable and don’t demand coffee breaks. The dream came to fruition in the jungles of Vietnam. McGee/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngDavid McGee2020-05-21 14:42:372020-05-21 14:42:37AI and warfare. Will AI save us from ourselves?
Organisations are not limited to only a single cloud network providers solution option. Furthermore, they’re not merely able to access valuable cloud resources via the Internet. We advocate a combination of solutions to form a resilient, high-speed, high-availability, hybrid cloud network. Jesson-Ward/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngSebastian Jesson-Ward2020-05-15 08:14:002021-03-26 19:29:11Cloud Network Providers | Connect Your Private Network to the Cloud
As ways of breaking into casinos go, a fish tank is an unusual route. Yet that is what was used in an unnamed American gambling house in 2017. It had invested in a internet-connected tank in which the temperature and salinity of the water were remotely controlled. McGee/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngDavid McGee2020-05-09 09:23:092020-05-09 09:23:09How data poachers went phishing in a fish tank
Artificial Intelligence is starting to become more present in workplaces and applications. Will AI start to generate real economic value across multiple sectors in 2020? According to PwC, the widespread adoption of AI will add £12.8 trillion to the global GDP by 2030. Initially, you would think that this contribution would primarily be from AI-focused companies. […] Williams/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngCara Williams2020-05-07 17:06:022020-05-07 17:06:02Tired of Doing Repetitive Tasks? AI May be Here to Help
Cloud providers understand that you’ve made significant investment in your on-premise and data centre operations. They know that you’re probably not all that ready to rip everything out and move everything to the cloud. This is why there have been some major initiatives regarding optimising the way businesses connect privately into the public cloud.
Most of the population are adjusting to working from home. This may be new for many people and navigating this can be difficult. Tech may be the answer to effectively turn your home office into a productive space. Williams/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngCara Williams2020-05-01 10:15:352020-05-01 10:15:35Struggling to Work from Home? Tech may be able to help
In the previous blogs we discovered how the French and Germans tackled their own PSTN switchover. Both European neighbours are tackling the issue with characteristic élan and efficiency. However unforeseen challenges arose in both countries and so with the age old military principle of ‘pre warned is pre armed’ we highlight potential challenges that may […] Williams/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngCara Williams2020-04-17 09:27:092020-04-17 09:27:09HowTo: The Basics of Zoom
Google has reported that it is blocking 18 million scam emails about Covid-19 daily. The pandemic has hugely increased phishing attacks where criminals are trying to trick victims to reveal data. Gmail is used by 1.5 billion people. Williams/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngCara Williams2020-04-09 13:09:022020-04-09 13:09:02Watch out for Phishing Scams During the Pandemic
We previously examined the experience of Germany’s telephony migration in PSTN Switch Off: Avoiding Germany’s mistakes. Here we examine the PSTN migration experience for our French cousins just across the Channel. Jesson-Ward/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/ServiceteamITLogo250.pngSebastian Jesson-Ward2020-04-03 14:57:342020-04-03 14:57:34PSTN migration: How the French leapfrogged everyone
AI and warfare. Will AI save us from ourselves?
The lure of AI helping automate the battlefield has long been a dream of battlefield commanders. Robots are expendable and don’t demand coffee breaks. The dream came to fruition in the jungles of Vietnam.
Cloud Network Providers | Connect Your Private Network to the Cloud
Organisations are not limited to only a single cloud network providers solution option. Furthermore, they’re not merely able to access valuable cloud resources via the Internet. We advocate a combination of solutions to form a resilient, high-speed, high-availability, hybrid cloud network.
How data poachers went phishing in a fish tank
As ways of breaking into casinos go, a fish tank is an unusual route. Yet that is what was used in an unnamed American gambling house in 2017. It had invested in a internet-connected tank in which the temperature and salinity of the water were remotely controlled.
Tired of Doing Repetitive Tasks? AI May be Here to Help
Artificial Intelligence is starting to become more present in workplaces and applications. Will AI start to generate real economic value across multiple sectors in 2020? According to PwC, the widespread adoption of AI will add £12.8 trillion to the global GDP by 2030. Initially, you would think that this contribution would primarily be from AI-focused companies. […]
Cloud Connectivity Providers Explained
Cloud providers understand that you’ve made significant investment in your on-premise and data centre operations. They know that you’re probably not all that ready to rip everything out and move everything to the cloud. This is why there have been some major initiatives regarding optimising the way businesses connect privately into the public cloud.
Struggling to Work from Home? Tech may be able to help
Most of the population are adjusting to working from home. This may be new for many people and navigating this can be difficult. Tech may be the answer to effectively turn your home office into a productive space.
Avoiding PSTN switchover headaches
In the previous blogs we discovered how the French and Germans tackled their own PSTN switchover. Both European neighbours are tackling the issue with characteristic élan and efficiency. However unforeseen challenges arose in both countries and so with the age old military principle of ‘pre warned is pre armed’ we highlight potential challenges that may […]
HowTo: The Basics of Zoom
What is Zoom? How does it work? Is it safe? There have been suggestions that competitors Microsoft and Google are safer applications.
Watch out for Phishing Scams During the Pandemic
Google has reported that it is blocking 18 million scam emails about Covid-19 daily. The pandemic has hugely increased phishing attacks where criminals are trying to trick victims to reveal data. Gmail is used by 1.5 billion people.
PSTN migration: How the French leapfrogged everyone
We previously examined the experience of Germany’s telephony migration in PSTN Switch Off: Avoiding Germany’s mistakes. Here we examine the PSTN migration experience for our French cousins just across the Channel.